System Preferences
GenesisII uses OpenGL to perform 3D rendering. This is the rendering system
of choice for professional graphic applications. It is important that OpenGL
is set up correctly on your system for GenesisII to give optimal results.
To alter OpenGL settings select Preferences from the System menu and select the OpenGL version you require from the dialog box. Note that changes cannot be made if there is a rendering window open.
OpenGL Drivers
GenesisII allows you to choose which set of OpenGL drivers you will use.
GenesisII was developed using the Silicon Graphics (SGI) implementation in software.
There are several different software OpenGL implementations available as well
as numerous hardware implementations for 3D graphic accelerator cards. The SGI
implementation has the advantage that it fully supports the complete set of
OpenGL commands - other implementations often fail to implement some functions,
contain bugs, or (for 'consumer' level 3D cards) are often optimised for speed
at the expense of accuracy and give unsatisfactory results.
OpenGL Rendering Protocol
These parameters determine how OpenGL will draw to your screen. By default
OpenGL will render in memory, copying the image every few seconds to the rendering
window. This protocol is robust and rarely suffers from compatibility problems
with other software or hardware on the system. Alternatively you can render
directly to the rendering window, this is slightly faster as time is not spent
copying images, but on some systems may fail to work properly due to software
or hardware conflicts.
Global Paths
Most paths and similar parameters in GenesisII are project-specific.
At present only the Templates path is common to all
projects and is altered in this dialog.